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OpenText Content Manager to Salesforce

Simplify and Accelerate Your Document Management

In today's fast-paced business world, managing the deluge of documents, emails, and records can be a daunting task. Organizations struggle to secure and store critical data. Salesforce offers robust document management, but cost-effective storage remains a challenge. Meanwhile, Content Manager excels in thorough document handling but can be complex to navigate.

T4S is an enterprise Salesforce connector designed to streamline file and record transactions with OpenText Content Manager. It simplifies document management, giving you full control over your data flow within Salesforce. With T4S, you'll establish a single source of truth, optimizing efficiency and accuracy in document handling.

Empower Your Document Management

Transfer large files and attachments

All document handling from within Salesforce

Easy and secure document access

Automated document synchronization

Keep contextual information linked

Remote document access from any device

Transfer files and attachments with automated processes

Easily transfer large files between Content Manager and Salesforce, leveraging seamless manual or automated bulk sync processes. 

Transfer Salesforce records and documents to targeted locations in Content Manager, maintaining linked contextual information.

Save documents in Content Manager through user uploads, web forms, emails and attachments, etc.

Easy and secure access to Content Manager documents from Salesforce

Effortlessly access Content Manager from any device through the user-friendly Salesforce interface, while being distanced from the relative complexity of Content Manager.

Keep your Content Manager safe behind your network firewall while allowing only authorized access from designated Salesforce users.


Search, view, edit and archive Content Manager documents from Salesforce

Search, locate and retrieve Content Manager documents directly from

Get a centralized view of all documents related with a Salesforce record object e.g. lead or contact.

Update document versions and manage revisions.

T4S Benefits

Discover ways to work with files without leaving Salesforce:

  • Transparently send Salesforce files and records to Content Manager

  • Transactions can be fully automated or by button click

  • Includes create, update, and delete functionality

  • Save Salesforce records to Content Manager as Rich Text Files

  • Upload files to targeted containers in Content Manager

  • Content Manager location can be globally set or individually overridden

  • Configurable for multiple Content Manager instances

  • Override default Content Manager credentials with personal credentials

  • Two-way SSL connection between Salesforce and Content Manager

  • Supports REST and SOAP calls to Content Manager

  • Native Salesforce application


T4S Features

T4S helps in other ways: 

  • Automatically sends files to mapped containers in Content Manager

  • Files can reside in Content Manager only. The Salesforce record has a reference link to the Content Manager file. Content Manager has a reference link to the Salesforce record

  • Alternatively, files can reside in both Content Manager and Salesforce (configurable)

  • View, save, update, delete, and download Content Manager files from Salesforce

  • Search and find Content Manager files from Salesforce then add a reference link in Salesforce

  • Save related Salesforce records to Content Manager as Rich Text Files

  • Save inbound emails and email attachments to Salesforce to Content Manager using Salesforce Email-To-Case

  • Show a list of files in Salesforce from a designated Content Manager location

  • Reduce file volumes in Salesforce

  • Use filters to auto-sync specific files to Content Manager

  • In Salesforce, view all files in a Content Manager container from a predefined search

See how T4S works for your teams:


With T4S, file management is optimized by creating a single source of truth for business files. By syncing files and records from Salesforce to OpenText Content Manager, workers no longer need to devote countless hours to filing documents.
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T4S enables managers to make the most of their resources by eliminating repetitive document filing tasks. Additionally, by integrating Salesforce with OpenText Content Manager, files can be centrally stored in the latter, making it easier to locate them.
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CMS-CRM connector technology


Salesforce integration extends the features of OpenText Content Manager into the cloud. This solves challenges in both systems around data integrity, storage limits, operational efficiencies, universal access, and more.
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Companies who trust FuseIT

Our solutions are used by some of the world’s most successful global corporations, public sector entities, education, and healthcare institutions

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