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S4S Technology

Website to Salesforce Solution

S4S is an enterprise solution that integrates Sitecore with Salesforce, creating new ways to interact with customers by making information from each system available to the other.

S4S shares Sitecore visitor browsing behavior with your Salesforce team to help them understand your next customer. S4S sends Sitecore form submissions to Salesforce including the visitor's website behavior. Salesforce users can view the visitor's digital footprint and state of mind prior to making contact. Conversely, S4S sends Salesforce values to Sitecore to personalize the visitor's website experience. This all happens in real-time meaning users can tweak a Salesforce record to deliver a personalized web experience or page redirects during a sales call

Technical Brief

• Integrate Sitecore websites with Salesforce

• Sitecore portal support 

• Leverage Salesforce automation

• Simple and fast to install

Live sales call support

• Support website personalization

• Generate sales intelligence

• Maps web forms to Salesforce records

• Expose website intelligence in Salesforce

• Enable website messaging from Salesforce

Benefits for IT Teams

Advanced Use of Web Intelligence

  • S4S is a server-side integration that collects Sitecore website form data and visitor behavior and sends it to Salesforce.
  • Sales professionals in Salesforce use this intelligence to qualify and then understand each visitor (lead), improve interactions, and send target messages.

  • As conversations are advanced, users can improve engagement by driving website personalization from the lead's Salesforce record (or another mapped record type).

  • S4S has dual-mode personalization where web content can be personalized in two ways - from Sitecore XP or directed by Salesforce. The latter assumes a Salesforce record has been created i.e., when the visitor becomes identified, usually by submitting a web form.

The S4S Mapping Wizard maps any Sitecore web form to a Salesforce entity. Web form fields and visitor behavior data are simultaneously pushed to Salesforce. The form can be mapped to leads (most common), contacts, cases, or any other type of record.

Website activity is vital intelligence to sales, marketing, and support teams. S4S pushes pages visited, the number of visits, visit durations, time/date of the last visit, visitor location, how the visitor arrived on the website, and more to Salesforce. These powerful insights generate sales confidence, enable more targeting options, and increase sales.

S4S can drive web content to the website during sales conversations. While on calls, Salesforce users can present relevant web pages to the lead e.g. show a product, FAQs, competitor’s website, route map, appointment calendar, download link, or any other web page. S4S lets users drive real-time personalization directly from the visitor's Salesforce record. Live content delivery impresses customers and enhances sales conversations.

The CRM team can personalize web content and deliver custom messages to returning visitors! S4S is ideal for tailoring web content that reflects the visitor's stage in the sales cycle. Users can create and popup custom messages in a visitor's browser from their Salesforce record. An example message might be, "Great talking to you. Please call me any time on X-XXX-XXXX".

S4S can detect when a visitor has returned to the website and notifies the relevant Salesforce user. Returning visitors indicate renewed interest and this could warrant a follow-up call.

  • S4S requires two components to be installed (1) a server-side Sitecore package and (2) a Salesforce application that receives direct calls from a visitor’s browser.

  • Client-side JavaScript: This is a small script that runs on a visitor's browser. It performs the following functions:

    • Collating visitor browsing behavior

    • Sending form submissions

    • Providing data for personalization

  • Salesforce Package: The S4S package creates a Salesforce App which collects all related functionality together in one convenient location. The following tabs are created:

    • Site Dashboard: Displays KPIs and website statistics immediately.

    • Visitor Dashboard: Displays the web behavior in the visitor's lead record (or contact record, etc.).

    • Mapping Objects: Administrators configure form submission mappings.

    • Automation: Administrators configure automation during form submissions and visitor updates.

    • Client: Administrators quickly generate scripts to deploy to the S4S client on the website.

    • Debug: Let administrators track S4S interactions in a development environment.

S4S follows the current trend of using headless or client-side technologies to render web content. This has several advantages:

  • Higher Performance: The application runs in the browser so there is no need for round trips to the server for every interaction, which can result in faster page loads and better performance.

  • More Flexibility: Developers can use a wider range of technologies and frameworks to build their applications and use tools that work best for their needs.

  • Better Visitor Experience: Client-side applications enable faster interactions and reduce reloads leading to increased engagement and satisfaction among visitors.

  • Lower Costs: No expensive server-side backend is required, lowering infrastructure costs, and reducing maintenance.

  • Developer Availability: Client-side developer skills are common across the IT industry so are easier to acquire.

S4S uses a customer’s existing web technology and Salesforce and does not introduce a new third-party server or cloud-based system. There is less surface area for potential security breaches. Client-side applications are protected by modern security features such as Content Security Policy (CSP) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection.

S4S has two configurations. S4S Basic supports medium-volume websites and S4S Enterprise supports high-volume websites. S4S communicates directly with Salesforce, which imposes limits on how many API calls can be made within a 24-hour period. The update frequency can be tweaked to reduce the count but in high-volume situations, it may be desirable to use S4S Enterprise, which collects the visitor data from multiple sessions, and pushes it to Salesforce in a bulk call.

  • These occur regularly to optimize performance, increase security, improve tracking and reporting, and add new features requested by customers.

  • For customers upgrading their website technology, because S4S is a client-side application, the migration is very easy – simply a matter of installing simple client scripts into the new system.

S4S is supported by FuseIT. Three levels of support are offered:

  • Standard: Email and help desk support. Responses are within one day.

  • Enhanced: Voice support during New Zealand business hours. Responses are within two hours.

  • Priority: 365/24/7 voice support. Responses are within one hour.

S4S is easily customized in Salesforce or using the client-side API. Customizations are typically accomplished in Salesforce either from the UI tools or workflow. Client-side enhancements are also simple and can be accomplished by a developer familiar with scripting.


  • Once configured, the user experience is entirely within Salesforce. The Salesforce UI can be customized to fit a customer’s unique needs, e.g., personalized dashboards, layouts, fields, and records.

  • The S4S Salesforce UI is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. It is optimized for productivity, with streamlined workflows and intuitive tools that help users get their work done faster.

  • The UI offers customizable dashboards, charts, and reports that help you visualize your data and gain insights into your business.

  • Salesforce is highly accessible to third-party applications and therefore the S4S intelligence data in Salesforce can be easily syndicated to other systems.

  • The S4S behavioral data is easily made available in marketing automation systems e.g., Marketing Cloud, Pardot, Marketo, etc., by using the native Salesforce integrations with these systems. This enables the content of outbound emails and social media communications to be tailored to the recipient's behavior on the website

  • Using Salesforce reports, website administrators can determine the success of content changes made to the website over a period of time.

  • Using the data provided by S4S, Salesforce users can use reports and workflow to:

    • dismiss low-quality leads.

    • qualify leads and assign a status.

    • identify important leads, by report or status.

    • auto-assign leads to a relevant Salesforce owner.

    • notify owners of returning visitors.

    • auto-create opportunities or other objects.

S4S comes in various flavors.

S4S Base 

  • S4S Core
  • Sitecore form mapping wizard
  • Push Sitecore analytics to Salesforce
  • Security Connector
  • List Builder to import Salesforce leads and contacts to Sitecore

Optional Module 1

  • Personalization of Sitecore from Salesforce

Optional Module 2

  • S4S Now for live call support

Optional Module 3

  • S4S EXM for Sitecore Email Experience Manager

See more about making these choices.

Compare S4S

S4S is built to scale and perform on websites with significant traffic volumes. If this is not a requirement check out how S4S compares to the syncing tools from Sitecore.

See how S4S works for your other teams:

CMS-CRM connector for Marketing teams


S4S is a powerful software that allows businesses to collect and share website behavioral intelligence with their CRM sales team. With this data, sales professionals can qualify leads faster, personalize their approach to customers, and tailor website content to increase conversions and revenue.
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CMS-CRM connector technology


S4S provides granular website behavior data that enables marketers to better understand their audience and create targeted campaigns. With S4S, marketers can also provide personalized content that aligns with their customers' interests, resulting in more engagement and conversions.
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Website integration with dual-mode personalization

The ultimate way to support your sales team.

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