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CDP4S for Marketers

Sitecore CDP to Salesforce Solution

CDP4S integrates Sitecore Personalize and Sitecore CDP with Salesforce. This allows web forms to be mapped to Salesforce and any visitor browsing intelligence collected by Sitecore to be shared with the sales team. This significantly improves lead processing and customer engagement.

CDP4S enables your Salesforce team to better understand your next customer. CDP4S creates leads and contacts in Salesforce from Sitecore form submissions and includes the visitor's website behavior. Salesforce professionals can view the visitor's digital footprint and state of mind prior to making contact. Conversely, the sales team can change Salesforce record values and have these sent to Sitecore Personalize or Sitecore CDP. This enables the website content to be personalized so it better matches where the visitor is in the sales process.

Marketing Brief

• Enable website personalization from Salesforce

• Increase lead registrations

• Map web forms to Salesforce leads, contacts, etc.

• Segment visitors based on website behavior

• Share segments to email automation systems

• Capture click-through behavior in Salesforce

• Simplify and automate lead qualification

• Prioritize leads based on goals and visitor behavior

No additional hosting is required

• High levels of data privacy

Benefits for Marketers

Enhance Lead Management

  • CDP4S turns anonymous Sitecore website visitors into qualified leads and valued customers in Salesforce.

  • Create Salesforce leads, contacts, and more from Sitecore Personalize and CDP.

  • Surface visitor web behavior in Salesforce to reveal insights into their state of mind and purchasing readiness.

  • Tracking a visitor's website behavior can be used to generate a lead score. This helps to prioritize leads and focus sales efforts on those with a higher likelihood of converting.

  • Knowing a visitor's website behavior enables the outreach to be personalized with better messaging to meet their needs and interests. This increases responses and conversions.

  • From website behavior, businesses can determine a visitor's suitability for a product or service. This ensures sales efforts are focused on those most likely to convert.

  • By observing behavior, the content and messaging can be improved to better meet the needs and interests of leads. This increases sales.

Effective Brand Management

  • Control website visitor engagement from Salesforce.

  • Enable A/B testing of web content.

  • Identify which other products website visitors are interested in.

Improved Marketing Communications

  • Send targeted emails based on web behavior.

  • Capture email click-through details in the recipient's Salesforce record.

Reduce Costs

  • CDP4S uses systems already owned by the customer so does not require huge upfront or ongoing expenditures.

Mitigate Risk

  • Data storage is limited to Sitecore Personalize and Salesforce only – no third-party systems are required. The sales intelligence is confined to systems the customer already owns.

Superior Engagement

  • Track website behavior and personalize the visitor's experience by displaying relevant content, products, and services based on their interests and preferences. 

  • Based on website behavior, drive product recommendations to improve the overall experience and increase the likelihood of a sale.

  • Website behavior can identify website issues, such as page load times, navigation, and layout. Improving these helps improve usability and enhances the customer's experience.

  • Testing different versions of page content based on behavior to determine which performs best.

  • By observing a visitor's website behavior, the website can proactively offer support or assistance when needed, improving the experience, and increasing the likelihood of a purchase.


Optimize Pricing and Revenue Generation

  • Determine visitor budget (and sticker shock) based on web behavior.

  • Pass sales intelligence to the Salesforce team to increase revenue.

  • A visitor spending a significant amount of time on a product page may indicate they are interested in the product but hesitant to purchase due to the price.

  • Visitors who add a product to their cart and then abandon the purchase may have been discouraged by the price.

  • A visitor who clicks on pricing information or compares prices may be price-sensitive and looking for a better deal.

  • If a visitor returns to a product page multiple times, may be interested in the product but are still considering the price.

  • Visitors who immediately leave a product page after seeing the price may indicate that the price is too high.


See how CDP4S works for your other teams:

CMS-CRM connector for Marketing teams


CDP4S is a powerful solution that allows businesses to collect and share website behavioral intelligence with their CRM sales team. With this data, sales professionals can qualify leads faster, personalize their approach to customers, and tailor website content to increase conversions and revenue.
Learn more ...

CMS-CRM connector technology


CDP4S collects website behavior and form submission details and shares them with the Salesforce CRM team. This intelligence lets sales and support professionals qualify leads faster, personalize their approach to customers, and tailor website content to increase conversions and revenue.
Learn more ...

Website integration with dual-mode personalization

The ultimate way to support your sales team.

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