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SFDC explorer Release Notes

Release 3.25.23349.1

  • [cs34551] Allow opening SFDX orgs with no alias.
  • [cs34550] Improve Salesforce CLI support across different versions.
  • [cs34549] SFDX org list options to refresh with and without status.
  • [cs34548] Retain selected Apex log line when filtering/searching via toolbar.
  • [cs34547] Retain selected Apex log line when filtering event types.
  • [cs34546] Fix missing results in SOQL query export for large/paged result sets.
  • [cs34545] Fix SOQL fields remaining checked after clear.
  • [cs34544] Improve SOQL query field filtering.
  • [cs34530] CodeGenerator: additional XML comment encoding.

Release 3.24.23305.1

  • [cs34527] Update Salesforce models to Winter 24 API (v59.0).
  • [cs34524] Encode content in XML comment docs from code generator.
  • [cs34521] Fix handling of nested relationship names for SOQL query editor.
  • [cs34520] Fix T4 code generation for reference fields.
  • [cs34519] Fix handling of nested relationship query field names.
  • [cs34515] New Winter '24 (v59.0) key prefixes.
  • [cs34514] Complete update to Winter '24 (v59.0). Update the Bulk API XSD.
  • [cs34513] Update the Tooling API to Winter '24 (v59.0)
  • [cs34512] Update the Partner API to Winter '24 (v59.0)
  • [cs34511] Update the Metadata API to Winter '24 (v59.0)
  • [cs34510] Update the Apex API to Winter '24 (v59.0)
  • [cs34507] Fix error feedback when SFDX commands fail.
  • [cs34504] Do not load org status by default to improve SFDX performance.
  • [cs34492] Support newer Salesforce CLI installations via sfdx.cmd.

Release 3.23.23207.1

  • [cs34481] Update TLS versions for banner feed retrieval.
  • [cs34464] New Summer '23 (v58.0) key prefixes.
  • [cs34463] Complete update to Summer '23 (v58.0). Update the Bulk API XSD.
  • [cs34462] Update the Tooling API to Summer '23 (v58.0)
  • [cs34461] Update the Partner API to Summer '23 (v58.0)
  • [cs34460] Update the Metadata API to Summer '23 (v58.0)
  • [cs34459] Update the Apex API to Summer '23 (v58.0)
  • [cs34390] New Spring '23 (v57.0) key prefixes.
  • [cs34389] Complete update to Spring '23 (v57.0). Update the Bulk API XSD.
  • [cs34388] Update the Tooling API to Spring '23 (v57.0)
  • [cs34387] Update the Partner API to Spring '23 (v57.0)
  • [cs34386] Update the Metadata API to Spring '23 (v57.0)
  • [cs34385] Update the Apex API to Spring '23 (v57.0)
  • [cs34368] Wsdl2Apex: anyType element type conversion in method parameters

Release 3.22.23018.1

  • [cs34343] SFDCExplorer: update external links.
  • [cs34335] SFDCExplorer: open SFDX Orgs in browser.
  • [cs34319] Wsdl2Apex: handle anyType method parameters.

Release 3.21.22304.1

  • [cs34309] Update to Winter '23 (v56.0).

Release 3.20.22263.1

  • [cs34286] Wsdl2Apex: implement XmlSchemaGroupRef sequence substitution.
  • [cs34285] SFDCExplorer: handle SOQL parse exception gracefully when adding/removing fields
  • [cs34284] Wsdl2Apex: improve group handling.
  • [cs34278] Add ability to deploy custom metadata.
  • [cs34252] SFDCExplorer: add Key Prefix Reference tab.

Release 3.19.22112.1

  • [cs34090] SFDCExplorer: Support for directory bundles in Metadata deployment.
  • [cs34089] Metadata: Support for Aura and Lightning web component bundles. Support for FlexiPage, QuickAction and StaticResource types.

Release 3.18.22026.1

  • [cs33916] SFDCExplorer: Specific error when unable to find tests for class.
  • [cs33915] SFDCExplorer: Show overall lines covered on the Code Coverage control.
  • [cs33914] SFDCExplorer: Improve MetaData Retrieve controls and error messages.
  • [cs33913] MetaData: return names for Lookup fields.
  • [cs33912] SFDCExplorer: Add User-Agent to news feed request to avoid 403 response.
  • [cs33911] SFDCExplorer: User-friendly errors when attempting to Login without entering details.
  • [cs33910] DataExportCollector: Identify MFA High Assurance related failures and show suitable feedback.

Release 3.17.21193.3

  • [cs33711] SalesforceField: Map long field type to .NET long as a CLR type.
  • [cs33707] BulkServiceWrapper: Log warnings returned by the API.
  • [cs33705] SFDCExplorer: Fix retrieval of pod data if custom domain is used.
  • [cs33703] Complete update to Summer `21 (v52.0). Update the Bulk API XSD.

Release 3.16.21111.1

* [cs33610] SFDCExplorer: Update referenced HTMLAgilityPack version

Release 3.16.21081.2

  • [cs33484] SFDCExplorer: Surface exceptions when listing Salesforce reports via a dialog.
  • [cs33470]    The sObject metadata DataCache no longer internally stores unique mappings for field describes, relationships, or childrelationships. These are still accessible via existing methods.
  • [cs33362]    Complete update to Spring `21 (v51.0). Update the Bulk API XSD.
  • [cs33350] SFDCExplorer: Detect if there are metadata API version changes when building up a package to deploy
  • [cs33251]    SFDCExplorer: Option to export the selected metadata as a package. Either a complete zip or just the package.xml
  • [cs33250]    SFDCExplorer: double click to login as an SFDX CLI org.
  • [cs33249]    SFDCExplorer: Context menu option to format a SOQL query in a debug log row.
  • [cs33247]    SFDCExplorer: Improve Executed Units support for workflow and flow events.
  • [cs33245]    Improve support for deploying Profile metadata
  • [cs33243]    Salesforce MetadataServiceWrapper - Expose CreatePackageXmlAsString to create the package.xml for a collection of metadata paths and return it as a string.
  • [cs33163] SFDCExplorer: Expose the debug log request identifier in the logs view.
  • [cs33162]    SFDCExplorer: Highlight Flow errors in the Apex log timeline
  • [cs33102] SFDCExplorer: Authenticate from serverId and URL in query string
  • [cs33050]    SFDCExplorer: Format Trigger and Apex class version details to help show expired/older versions. Aim to keep to releases within the last 3 years (last 9 versions).
  • [cs33049]    Split out OAuth (RefreshToken) and JWT LoginDetails to dedicated objects. Added new SfdxLoginDetails for connection strings against the SFDX CLI.
  • [cs33018] Improve formatting of SalesforceResultException FailedSaveResults.
  • [cs33017] Support for metadata deployment of static resources
  • [cs33015] SalesforceIdKeyPrefix - Raise warnings if there is a keyprefix conflict for the current Salesforce user.
  • [cs33014] WSDL2Apex: Expand ability to search for missing XML Namespaces
  • [cs32978]    Support for deploying Profile Metadata
  • [cs32974]    SFDC Explorer: Improve error handling when there is a timeout retrieving the sObject metadata to populate the entity tree. Retry with a reduced batch size from the detault 100 sObjects.
  • [cs32973]    Weekly Data Export tooling - handle premature response stream termination. Improve logging status messages related to downloading data exports.
  • [cs32972]    SFDCExplorer: Deploy Profile Metadata
  • [cs32971]    SFDCExplorer: handle exceptions with checking test status via polling

Release 3.15.20209.2

* [cs32735]    Update SalesforceSession so that all APIs are working against v49.0 - Summer 20
* [cs32729]    Add the MetadataComponentDependency API calls via the Bulk API 2.0
* [cs32728]    Apex logging - add SOQL_EXECUTE_EXPLAIN Log event
* [cs32688]    SFDCExplorer: Display the primary sObject type for a SOQL query in the executed units.

Release 3.14.20174.1

  • [cs32680]    Update SOQLResult column names when the defaultNamespace is defined. Includes first level relationship fields.
  • [cs32669]    SFDCExplorer: Rebuilt login and authentication controls.
  • [cs32661]    SFDCExplorer: Executed Units Context Menu to set Apex Log filter
  • [cs32571]    SFDCExplorer: Show a message if there are issues showing an individual entity
  • [cs32569]    SFDCExplorer: Beta of direct dependency graph visualization
  • [cs32567]    SFDCExplorer: Track Flow executed units. Track SOQL Total Rows metrics from debug logs
  • [cs32566]    SFDCExplorer: Support for flow log message types. Guard against debug logs with recursive search depth that is too great.
  • [cs32563]    SFDCExplorer: Exception Handling when showing reports.
  • [cs32559]    wsdl2apex: Warn if the schemaTypeName is missing.
  • [cs32555]    SFDCExplorer: Expand Graph search ability
  • [cs32512]    SFDCExplorer: Formate VF_ log events in the timeline Handle deeply nested log structures to prevent stack overflows.
  • [cs32500]    SFDCExplorer: Format byte size of log. Handling clicking a record ID in the log that doesn't exist in the current org. Option to format Callout requests in the debug log.
  • [cs32486]    SFDCExplorer: Ensure the popup window that shows SOQL sub query results has a unique name so that the caching key is unique.
  • [cs32432]    Tooling API. Check access to the DebugLevel metadata before attempting to query it.
  • [cs32366]    SFDCExplorer: always prompt for directory to save metadata to.
  • [cs32343]    Update All API versions to Spring 2020 (v48.0)
  • [cs32336]    SFDCExplorer: Update .NET Framework version to 4.7.2 and add support for scaling to high DPI monitors.
  • [cs32330]    SFDCExplorer: Update to cs31623 to allow for variation in the instanceUrl provided by the SFDX CLI
  • [cs32320]    SFDCExplorer: Auto expand the test class search node when searching. Detect test classes in the queued state
  • [cs32318]    SFDCExplorer: Export the results of a Bulk CSV load. This is useful if there where errors with the operation on individual records.
  • [cs32313]    SFDCExplorer: Log metrics for callouts
  • [cs32312]    Tooling API: Correct updating the log levels on TraceFlags

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